- BIC (Bulletin of Informatics and Cybernetics)
- IJMI (International Journal of Mathematics for Industry)
- MATEMATIKA (Malaysian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
- AROB (Artificial Life and Robotics)
- IJAEM (International Journal of Applied & Experimental Mathematics)
- SCSS2021 (Symbolic Computation in Software Science)
- ALGI (Algebra, Logic and Geometry in Informatics)
- LC (Logic and Computation)
- Comb (Combinatorics Seminar in Kyushu University)
- JK2019 (Japan-Korea Workshop on Algebra and Combinatorics)
- LAC2018 (Workshop on Logic, Algebra and Category theory)
- KJ2018 (Korea-Japan Workshop on Algebra and Combinatorics)
- FMfI2017 (Forum "Math-for-Industry")
- JK2017 (Japan-Korea Workshop on Algebra and Combinatorics)
- PMF2016 (Pusan National University MATH FORUM 2016)
- TPP2016 (12th Theorem Proving and Provers)
- ISITA2016 (International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications)
- COA2016 (Computational Origami and Applications)
- USMaC2016 (Universal Structure in Mathematics and Computing
- SCSS2016 (Symbolic Computation in Software Science)
- FMfI2015 (Forum "Math-for-Industry")
- TPP2014 (Theorem Proving and Provers Meeting)
- MCG (Mathematics for Computer Graphics)
- APCMfI (Asia Pacific Consortium of Mathematics for Industry)