Recent advances in information and telecommunication technologies bring forward new applications of cryptographic theory. In turn, newly developed cryptographic methods and constructions as well as their security evaluation require application of a wide range of mathematical theories, beyond those conventionally used for cryptography. The Laboratory of Mathematical Design for Advanced Cryptography, leveraging the cooperation between academic research institutes, industry, and governmental institutions, aims at development of the next-generation cryptographic technologies featuring a wide variety of secure functionalities, with the ultimate goal of achieving safe and sustainable society. Through such cooperation, the Laboratory will contribute to establishment and exploration of their mathematical foundation and to their design and security evaluation meeting the highest international standards.
What's New
The next IMI Crypto Seminar will be held on October 2nd (Wed.). (Seminar information (in Japanese))
The next IMI Crypto Seminar (two talks) will be held on August 27th (Tue.). (Seminar information (in Japanese): 1st talk, 2nd talk)
The next IMI Crypto Seminar will be held on July 3rd (Wed.). (Seminar information (in Japanese))
A co-authored paper by Koji Nuida is accepted by New Generation Computing.
Yasuhiko Ikematsu, a member of our labolatory, is promoted to Associate Professor.
A single-authored paper by Koji Nuida is accepted by Discrete Mathematics Letters.
Related event (in Japanese): Deepening and new frontiers in card-based cryptography through industry-academia collaboration and cooperation in the fields of mathematics and cryptography (May 22, 2024)
A co-authored paper by Koji Nuida is accepted by international conference FUN 2024.
A co-authored paper by Koji Nuida is accepted by international conference SAC 2024.
Papers by Yasuhiko Ikematsu et al. are accepted by international conference Fifth PQC Standardization Conference and by international conference APKC 2024.
A co-authored paper by Koji Nuida is accepted by international conference EUROCRYPT 2024.
A co-authored paper by Koji Nuida is accepted by Communications in Algebra.
A paper (letter) by Koji Nuida et al. is accepted by IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences.
A co-authored paper by Koji Nuida is accepted by international conference INDOCRYPT 2023.
A paper by Yasuhiko Ikematsu et al. is accepted by IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences.
A co-authored paper by Koji Nuida is accepted by IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences.
A co-authored paper by Yasuhiko Ikematsu received Best Student Paper Award in international conference IWSEC 2023. (Paper: Hiroki Furue, Yasuhiko Ikematsu, "A New Security Analysis Against MAYO and QR-UOV Using Rectangular MinRank Attack")
A paper by Yasuhiko Ikematsu et al. received Best Paper Award in international conference WISA 2023. (Paper: Yasuhiko Ikematsu, Hyungrok Jo, Takanori Yasuda, "A security analysis on MQ-Sign")
A paper by Yasuhiko Ikematsu et al. is accepted by international conference WISA 2023.
A co-authored paper by Koji Nuida is accepted by Designs, Codes and Cryptography.
A group including Yasuhiko Ikematsu has submitted a digital signature scheme QR-UOV to the additional standardization project for post-quantum cryptography by NIST.
A co-authored paper by Koji Nuida is accepted by IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences.
A single-authored paper by Koji Nuida and a co-authored paper by Yasuhiko Ikematsu are accepted by international conference IWSEC 2023.
A co-authored paper by Professor Nuida is accepted by international conference ITC 2023.
From FY 2023, 1 Ph.D. Course student and 1 Master's Course student (supervisor: Professor Nuida) have joined our laboratory.
A co-authored paper by Professor Nuida and Mr. Akira Nakashima (former second-year Master's Course student in our laboratory), etc., is accepted by international conference ESORICS 2023.
A co-authored paper by Professor Nuida is accepted by IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences.
A co-authored paper by Assistant Professor Ikematsu is accepted by IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences.
In FY 2022, 2 Master's Course students (supervisor: Professor Nuida) in our laboratory have graduated.
A co-authored paper by Professor Nuida is accepted by Designs, Codes and Cryptography.
Co-authored papers by Professor Nuida are accepted by international conference ACNS 2023, by IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, and by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
Co-authored papers by Professor Nuida are accepted by international conference TCC 2022 and by IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences.
A co-authored paper by Professor Nuida received Best Student Paper Award in international conference IWSEC 2022. (Paper: Hirotomo Shinoki, Koji Nuida, "On Extension of Evaluation Algorithms in Keyed-Homomorphic Encryption")
A co-authored paper by Assistant Professor Ikematsu is accepted by international conference ProvSec 2022.
A paper by Assistant Professor Ikematsu et al. (invited, peer-reviewed) is accepted by IET Information Security.
A co-authored paper by Professor Nuida is accepted by IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences.
A co-authored paper by Assistant Professor Ikematsu is accepted by international conference ISITA 2022.
A co-authored paper by Professor Nuida is accepted by international conference ISITA 2022.
Co-authored papers by Professor Nuida are accepted by international conference IWSEC 2022 (2 papers).
A co-authored paper by Professor Nuida is accepted by International Journal of Mathematics for Industry.
A co-authored paper by Professor Nuida is accepted by ACISP 2022.
A co-authored paper by Professor Nuida is accepted by ITC 2022.
A co-authored paper by Professor Nuida is accepted by ISPEC 2021.
A paper by Professor Nuida is accepted by international conference APKC 2022 (The 9th ACM ASIA Public-Key Cryptography Workshop).
A paper by Assistant Professor Ikematsu et al. is accepted by international conference Inscrypt 2021.
Co-authored papers by Assistant Professor Ikematsu are accepted by international conference ASIACRYPT 2021 and by Theoretical Computer Science.
Co-authored papers by Professor Nuida are accepted by international conference ASIACRYPT 2021 and by IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (3 papers).
Co-authored papers by Prof. Nuida are accepted by international conferences CRYPTO 2021 and CASC 2021.
A paper by Prof. Nuida is accepted by International Journal of Mathematics for Industry.
A paper by Assistant Professor Ikematsu et al. is accepted by international conference IWSEC 2021.
Prof. Nuida gave a paper presentation at international conference PKC 2021.
Prof. Nuida arrived at his post.
Prof. Yasuda moved to Department of Mathematics, Rikkyo University.
Assistant Professor Ikematsu arrived at his post.
Prof. Dung moved to University of Wollongong.
Prof. Takagi moved to Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo.
3rd Asian Post-Quantum Cryptography Forum was held at Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Prof. Takagi served as Program Co-Chairs at Asiacrypt 2016 held in Hanoi.
Prof. Takagi delivered a Keynote lecture at Chinacrypt 2016, the biggest conference in China.
We delivered two talks at The 11th International Workshop on Security in Tokyo.
Press release from Kyushu University PR office and KDDI R&D Laboratories (PDF) (in Japanese only)
We delivered two talks at 21st Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy in Melbourne.
Prof. Takagi delivered an invited talk at First Post-Quantum Cryptography Asia Forum in China.
We presented the results of our collaborative research, ‘’Improved Progressive BKZ Algorithms and their Precise Cost Estimation by Sharp Simulator’’ with National Institute of Information and Communications Technology at Eurocrypt 2016.
Prof. Morozov moved to School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology from Kyushu University.
Post-Quantum Cryptography 2016 was held at Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu University.
NIST’s Plan for the Future was introduced at the conference. (pdf)
Prof. Takagi delivered an invited talk at SCAIS 2016 in Kumamoto. Japanese)
Prof. Takagi delivered a keynote lecture at Future Cryptographic Technology Symposium: Cryptographic Technologies in the Era of Quantum Computation at Seoul National University.
Prof. Takagi delivered a talk at La Trobe-Kyushu Joint Seminar on Mathematics for Industry.
Prof.Yasuda delivered an invited talk at The 3rd International Workshop on Cybersecurity at Kyushu University.
Appeared on Sankei Newspaper Page 1 Japanese only)
Prof. Takagi delivered an invited talk at CMMA joint seminar at Meiji University, Tokyo. Japanese)
Prof.Takagi delivered an invited talk at JST CREST Optimum modeling seminar at Tokyo University
Prof. Takagi delivered an invited talk at Netherlands-Japan Collaborative Cyber Security Conference in Tokyo
Prof. Takagi delivered an invited talk at ETSI 3rd Quantum-Safe Crypto
Workshop in Seoul.
Prof. Takagi and Prof. Morozov delivered
an invited talk at Dagstuhl Seminar "Quantum Cryptanalysis"
in Germany.
NSA has announced a transition to the quantum resistant algorithm.
2015/6/17 Workshop
IMI Colloquium Masaya Yasuda(IMI, Kyushu University)
Laboratory of Mathematical Design for Advanced Cryptography Opening Ceremony and Workshop
2015/6/5 Sankei News Web
Link (In Japanese only)
2015/6/5 Sankei WEST Web
Link (In Japanese only)
2015/6/5 Appeared on Sankei Newspaper Page 25
2015/5/12 Appeared on Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun (Newspaper) Page 19