One agent puts repeatedly pairs < bit, d >
of bits and encoded datas into a channel
which automatically decodes the information.
When the agent reads < bit', d' >
from the channel
such that bit = bit'
, it is a confirmation that the data sent for decoding was received.
In thad case, the agent stores the data received into a list structure, alternates the bit
, and selects the next encoded data for sending.
We assume that the channel
is unreliable, meaning that the data in the channel may be lost or duplicated, but not exchanged or damaged.
, then all the bits after bit
are equal to bit
.DS |- ceq B':Bit = bit(S:Sys) if C1:Channel, < B:Bit,D:Data >, C2:Channel, < B':Bit,D':Data >, C3:Channel := channel(S:Sys) /\ B:Bit = bit(S:Sys) ;
See proof1.maude for the full proof.
DS |- eq mk(next(S:Sys)) = data(next(S:Sys)), list(S:Sys) ;
See proof2.maude for the full proof.