2024.5.6-10. Zeros of random power series with stationary Gaussian coefficients. program Random Matrices and Related Topics in Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea.
2024.7.11-13. Correlations between zeros of Gaussian polyanalytic functions. program , Mini Symposium on "Determinantal Point Processes, Quantum Mechanics and Signal Analysis", Chuo University, Tokyo.
2024.8.26-30. Spanning acycles in cubical complexes. program , Lorentz center, Leiden, Netherlands.
2024.9.3-6. 行列式点過程の諸相 program , 日本数学会,大阪大学.
2024.9.27-28. Probabilistic aspects of topology of simplicial complexes. program , 数学と材料科学2024,青葉サイエンスホール,東北大学.
2024.10.16-18. Correlations between zeros of Gaussian polyanalytic functions. program , Non-Commutative Probabillity and Related Topics 2024, Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu University
2024.11.25-27. Accumulated spectrograms for hyperuniform determinantal point processes. program , 量子場の数理とその周辺, RIMS, Kyoto University.
2024.12.11. 確率論研究の潮流, program , JST CRDS 俯瞰ワークショップ 『数理科学』, JST東京別館会議室.
2025.3.17. Random Schrodinger operators with point interactions built over alpha-determinantal point processes. program , 慶應確率論ワークショップ,慶応大学.
2023.8.21. Zeros of random power series with dependent Gaussian coefficients. program , Mini-Symposium with Prof. G. Schehr, Chuo University.
2023.10.23-26. Zeros of Gaussian power series with dependent coefficients. The 21st Symposium Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems RIMS, Kyoto University.
2023.12.11-15. Zeros of random power series with stationary Gaussian coefficients. Random Interacting Systems, Scaling Limits, and Universality. Workshop in Honour of Takashi Hara. NUS, Singapore.
2024.3.6-8. Zeros of random power series with stationary Gaussian coefficients. French Japanese Conference on Probability and Interactions program IHES, Paris.
2024.3.12. Zeros of Gaussian power series with dependent coefficients. iPOD seminar at Mathematics Institute, Leiden University, Netherlands.
2022.6.13-17. 特別講義「パーシステントホモロジーと確率論」, program , Kanazawa University, Kanazawa.
2022.6.15. Zeros of random analytic functions with dependent Gaussian coefficients, 談話会 , Kanazawa University, Kanazawa. 2022.6.25. $\alpha$行列式点過程のポアソン表現, Crossroad of Statistical Physics and Probability Theory , Chuo University, Tokyo.2022.8.4-5. Persistent homology and its applications, program , Blockchain Kaigi 2022 (BCK2022), TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity, Tohoku University, Sendai.
2022.8.29-9.8. Zeros of the i.i.d. Gaussian Laurent series on an annulus, The Statistical Physics of Continuum Particle Systems with Strong Interactions , Institute of Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
2022.10.30-11-4. TBA (online), (cencelled), School and Workshop on Random Point Processes , Tsaghkadzor, Armenia.
2022.11.4. パーシステントホモロジーとその周辺の話題, ブロックチェーン研究会 , Online.
2022.11.7-8. Zeros of the i.i.d. Gaussian Laurent series on an annulus, , Non-Commutative Probability and Related Topics 2022 , Hokkaido University, Sapporo.
2022.12.6. 行列式点過程の数理とその応用 ---ランダム行列から機械学習へ---, AIE講演会, Tohoku University, Sendai.
2022.12.7-9. Correlations between zeros of Gaussian polyanalytic functions, 大規模相互作用系の確率解析, Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu University, Fukuoka.
2023.3.20. $\alpha$行列式点過程のポアソン表現, 東京確率論セミナー, Keio University, Hiyoshi.
2021.11.15. Zeros of random analytic functions with dependent Gaussian coefficients, 「確率・ 統計・ 行列ワークショップ 彦根 2021」, Hikone, Shiga.
2021.12.18. パーシステントホモロジーとその応用, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 待ち行列研究部会 第299部会 , オンライン
2022.1.24. $\alpha$行列式の正値性と点過程, 統計数理研共同研究ISMCRP2001「固有値分布と行列式点過 程に基づく統計モデル」,統計数理研究所.
2020.4.18-19. cancel, Second China-Japan-Korea probability workshop , Seoul National University, Korea.
2020.5.15-16. cancel, 数学と材料科学 2020 , program , 東 北大学青葉山キャンパス 青葉サイエンスホール
2020.5.25-29. cancel, RMTA-2020: Random Matrices and Their Applications , program , Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
2020.6.15-19. パーシステントホモロジーの確率論との接点について, 集中講義 確率論特別講義I, 名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科
2020.7.13-17. cancel, The 3rd workshop on Universality and Scaling Limits in Probability and Statistical Mechanics , program , Hokkaido University
2020.8.24-25. パーシステントホモロジーと確率論, 集中講義 数理科学特殊講義II, 関西学院大学
2021.3.19. Duality of determinantal point processes, Workshop on "Random matrices, Determinantal point processes and Gaussian analytic functions" , online.
2019.4.1-5. Limit theorems for determinantal point processes, International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics , Marrakesh, Morocco. program
2019.4.26. Probabilistic aspects of persistent homology, AIP数学系合同日本橋セミナー, RIKEN AIP, Tokyo.
2019.5.6-5.10. Limit theorems for determinantal point processes, A Probability Conference on Random Matrices and Related Topics , KIAS, Seoul, Korea
2019.6.19-6.21. Short-time fourier transform and related topics processes, CREST TDA meeting, 弘前大学創立50周年記念会館 , 弘前大学
2019.7.3. Short-time fourier transform and related topics processes, 多元数理大談話会, abstract(jp) abstract(en) , 名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科
2019.9.16. Limit theorems for persistence diagrams, abstract , KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
2019.12.8. ランダム複体とパーシステントホモロジー, program , キャンパス・イノベーションセンター東京5F
2020.1.31. Persistent homology and its applications, 2020 I2CNER & IMI Joint International Workshop on Applied Math for Energy program , Room 419, I2CNER Bulding 1.
2018.6.26-6.29. Limit theorems for persistence diagrams, The 5th Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Asia Pacific Rim Meeting, , National University of Singapore.
2018.8.21-25. Spanning acycle entropy for cubical complexes, Modern Developments in Algebraic Dynamics: Challenges and Opportunities
2018.10.17-19. Determinantal processes and spanning acycle entropy I, II, RIMS共同研究(グループ型)「エルゴード理論の最近の発展」 program
2018.10.24-25. Limit theorems for random analytic functions and their zeros, 「確率・ 統計・ 行列ワークショップ 彦根 2018」, Hikone, Shiga.
2018.11.5-8. Universality of determinantal point processes on Riemannian manifolds, 研究集会「大規模相互作用系の確率解析」, RIMS, Kyoto.
2018.11.21-24. Limit theorems for determinantal point processes, エルゴード理論研究集会 , Osaka University. program
2018.12.21. Dynamic determinantal point processes, Ajou-Kyushu joint workshop on Industrial Mathematics at IMI, Kyushu Univ.
2017.6.1-6.3. Determinantal point processes associated with extended kernels and spanning trees on series-parallel graphs, Function theory and dynamics of point processes, Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.
2017.7.14. Limit theorem for persistence diagrams, Kyushu Probability seminar at Kyushu University.
2017.8.21-25. Determinantal point processes associated with de Branges spaces, Various Aspects of Multiple Zeta Functions Nagoya University.
2017.9.4--8. "Limit theorems for persistence diagrams", the Japanese-German Open Conference on Stochastic Analysis (JP-GER Conference 2017) TU Kaiserslautern, Germany.
2017.11.9--10. 行列式点過程とその周辺の話題, 確率・統計・行列ワークショップ松本2017 @信州大学理学部
2017.11.25--26. A generalized coupon collectors problem (short communication), 研究集会「無限粒子系、確率場の諸問題XIII」 @奈良女子大理学部
2017.12.22--23. 確率論とパーシステントホモロジー, ENCOUNTERwithMATHEMATICS --- パーシステントホモロジーとその周辺 @中央大学 (program and abstract)
2018.3.9--11. Machine learning for DPP, Workshop on "Random matrices, determinantal processes and their related topics" in Beppu 2018. @Southern Cross, Beppu, Oita
2016.5.12. ランダムヤング図形とシューア測度, CREST 研究会, 静岡大学
2016.6.7. Probabilistic apsects of persistent homology, La Trobe-Kyushu Joint Seminar on Mathematics for Industry 九大IMI, (abstract)
2016.6.19-24. Persistent homology and minimum spanning acycle for certain random complexes, Workshop on "High-Dimensional Expanders 2016" , in Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
2016.10.03-06. Schur process and its related topics, RIMS Workshop on "Combinatorics of Lie Type", at RIMS, Kyoto University (program) (Kokyuroku pdf)
2016.10.24-28. Persistent homology of random complexes built over point processes, Workshop on "Geometry and Probability" , RIMS at Kyoto University (program)
2016.10.27-28. Persistent homology of random complexes, CREST TDA MT at RIMS, Shinshu University (program)
2017.1.17. 行列式点過程に対する剛性と準不変性, 京都大学数学教室談話会 at Kyoto University (program)
2017.1.23-24. Determinantal point processes associated with reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, キックオフミーティング at Kyushu University (program)
2017.2.1. Persistent homology and its applications, 2017 I2CNER Annual Symposium: Applied Math Challenges in Energy & the Next-Generation Electric Grid (program)
2017.2.13. Determinantal point processes and their related topics, IMI短期共同研究「Analysis of Random Fields for Deep Learning and Its Application」 at Kyushu Univ. (program) (program)
2017.2.20-21. 行列式点過程の周辺の話題, 岡山ー広島解析確率論セミナー at Okayama University (program)
2017.2.27-3.3. Determinantal point processes associated with reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, "Random Matrices and Determinantal Process", CIRM (program)
2017.3.9. Minimum spanning acycle and persistent homology, "General Coloquium", Leiden University. (program)
2015.4.18. 航空機の搭乗問題からランダム行列へ, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 待ち行列研究部会 第253部会 , 東工大大岡山キャンパス
2015.6.29-7.3. Persistent homology and minimum spanning acycle for random simplicial complexes, Group Representations in Dynamical Systems and Geometry
2015.7.8-7.10. ランダム複体とパーシステントホモロジー, 平成27年度RIMS共同研究「デザイン,符号,グラフおよびその周辺」 (program) (abstract) (pdf)
2015.8.24-28. On the weight of random minimum spanning acycle, @Kansai University Summer School on Dirichlet forms and Stochastic Analysis at Kansai University (program)
2015.9.7-11. Lifetime of persistent homology and minimum spanning acycle in random topology, @RIMS, Kyoto University Conference: Stochastic Analysis (abstract)
2015.10.5-7. Probabilistic aspects of topology of simplicial complexes, @RIMS, Kyoto University, RIMS研究集会「量子場の数理とその周辺」 (RIMSkokyuroku pdf)
2015.10.26-29. On the topology of random simplicial complexes, 14thSALSIS The 14th workshop on "Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems" @RIMS, Kyoto University (program)
2015.11.3-4. On the topology of random simplicial complexes, CREST Kickoff meeting, "パーシステントホモロジーと確率論" @東北大学東京分室
2015.11.16-20. 岡山大集中講義 大学院集中講義「数理科学特別講義A」"Integrable probability"@岡山大学
2015.11.18 「ランダム複体とパーシステントホモロジー」 岡山大数学教室談話会 兼 岡山解析・確率論セミナー "パーシステントホモロジーと確率論"
2016.1.27. Topological Data Analysis -- persitent homology --, Institute Interest Seminar Series @I2CNER , Kyushu Univ.
2016.3.7-9. Persistent homology for point processes, Workshop on "Random matrices, determinantal processes and their related topics" @B-con plaza, Oita, Japan,
2016.3.18. ランダム複体とパーシステントホモロジー,応用数学分科会,日本数学会@筑波大学 予稿