Room B | |
15:00-18:00 | Further Discussion |
Room A | Room B | |
10:00-11:00 | Zoltán Szigeti (invited talk) Old and New Results on Packing Arborescences |
11:00-11:15 | Coffee Break | |
11:15-11:40 | Kristóf Bérczi, András Frank Graph Optimization Problems with Common Root I |
Kitti Varga On the Minimum Degree of Minimally 1-tough Graphs |
11:40-12:05 | Kristóf Bérczi, András Frank Graph Optimization Problems with Common Root II |
Gábor Wiener Leaf-Critical and Leaf-Stable Graphs |
12:05-14:00 | Lunch Break | |
14:00-14:25 | Attila Bernáth, Gyula Pap Blocking Unions of Arborescences |
Shuji Jimbo, Akira Maruoka Improvement of the Upper Bound on the Eulerian Recurrent Lengths of Complete Graphs |
14:25-14:50 | Tasuku Soma Multicasting in Linear Deterministic Relay Network by Matrix Completion |
Hanna Sumita, Naonori Kakimura, Kazuhisa Makino Total Dual Integrality of the Linear Complementarity Problem |
14:50-15:15 | Akiyoshi Shioura, Natalia V. Shakhlevich, Vitaly A. Strusevich Speed Scaling Scheduling Viewed from Submodular Optimization |
Katalin Friedl, László Kabódi An Idea to Improve QuIDD Based Quantum Simulations |
15:15-15:40 | Hiroshi Hirai, Yuni Iwamasa On k-Submodular Relaxation |
Yasushi Kawase, Kazuhisa Makino, Kento Seimi On the Complexity of Finding the Optimal Composition Ordering for Piecewise Linear Functions |
15:40-16:10 | Coffee Break | |
16:10-16:35 | Katsuya Tono A Discrete Version of Motzkin-Straus Theorem for Stability Number Based on Copositive Programming and Its Application to Local Search Heuristics |
Yoshiko T Ikebe, Yosuke Sekiguchi, Akiyoshi Shioura, Akihisa Tamura Multi-Unit Trading Networks with Discrete Concave Utility Functions |
16:35-17:00 | Takeharu Shiraga, Yukiko Yamauchi, Shuji Kijima, Masafumi Yamashita Deterministic Random Walks for Rapidly Mixing Chains |
Yu Yokoi A Generalized Polymatroid Approach to Stable Allocations with Lower Quotas |
17:00-17:25 | Bálint Hujter, Lilla Tóthmérész Some Problems from Chip-Firing |
Tamás Fleiner, Zsuzsanna Janko, Akihisa Tamura, Alexander Teytelboym Stability in Cyclic Supply Chains |
17:25-18:25 | Discussion |
Room A | Room B | |
9:30-10:30 | Krisztian Buza (invited speaker) Hubness: An Interesting Property of Nearest Neighbor Graphs and its Impact on Classification |
10:30-10:45 | Coffee Break | |
10:45-11:10 | Takuro Fukunaga Approximating the Generalized Terminal Backup Problem via Half-Integral Multiflow Relaxation |
Attila Kiss, András Recski A Spacing - Volume Tradeoff in 3-Dimensional VLSI Routing |
11:10-11:35 | Hiroshi Nishiyama, Yukiko Yamauchi, Shuji Kijima, Masafumi Yamashita The Parity Hamiltonian Cycle Problem in Directed Graphs |
Hidefumi Hiraishi, Hiroshi Imai, Yoichi Iwata, Binkai Lin Parameterized Algorithms to Compute Ising Partition Function |
11:35-12:00 | Zoltán Király Spanning Tree with Lower Bound on the Degrees |
Kristóf Bérczi, Alpár Jüttner Road Surveillance Optimization - An Asymmetric Vehicle Routing Problem with Visiting Frequencies |
12:00-14:00 | Lunch Break | |
14:00-14:25 | Csongor Gy. Csehi, András Recski Some New Subclasses of Graphic Matroids, Related to the Union Operation |
Gyula O.H. Katona, Dániel T. Nagy Incomparable Copies of a Poset in the Boolean Lattice |
14:25-14:50 | Yutaro Yamaguchi Realizing Symmetric Set Functions as Hypergraph Cut Capacity |
Richard Anstee, Attila Sali Large Forbidden Configurations and Design Theory |
14:50-15:15 | Hidefumi Kawasaki A Proof of Convex Extension of L-convex Functions |
Zoltán Király, Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak Succinct tree coding for greedy navigation |
15:15-15:45 | Coffee Break | |
15:45-16:10 | Chien-Chung Huang, Naonori Kakimura, Naoyuki Kamiyama Weighted Matroid Intersection Algorithms via Weight Decomposition |
Shinya Fujita Some Recent Results on Monochromatic Structures in Edge-Colored Hypergraphs |
16:10-16:35 | Song Luo, Yuji Matsuura, Ying Miao, Maiko Shigeno Non-Adaptive Group Testing on Complete Graphs with Connectivity |
Gábor Simonyi On the Local Chromatic Number of Graphs |
16:35-17:00 | Kenjiro Takazawa Structure Theorems for Square-free 2-matchings in Bipartite Graphs |
Yoshio Sano Fat Hoffman Graphs with Smallest Eigenvalue at Least - 2.481194304092... |
17:00-18:00 | Discussion | |
18:30- | Banquet |
Room A | Room B | |
9:30-10:30 | Tibor Jordán (invited speaker) Unique Completability of Partially Filled Low Rank Positive Semidefinite Matrices |
10:30-10:45 | Coffee Break | |
10:45-11:45 | Zoltán Ádám Mann (invited speaker) Approximability of Virtual Machine Allocation: Much Harder than Bin Packing |
11:45-14:00 | Lunch Break | |
14:00-18:00 | Discussion |
Room A | Room B | |
9:30-10:30 | László A. Végh (invited speaker) A strongly polynomial algorithm for generalized flow maximization |
10:30-10:45 | Coffee Break | |
10:45-11:10 | Hidefumi Hiraishi, Sonoko Moriyama Orientable or Representable Matroids over Infinite Fields of Rank 3 |
Aron Laszka, Dávid Szeszlér Hide and Seek in Digital Communication: The Steganography Game |
11:10-11:35 | Hiyori Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Hirai, Kazuhisa Makino A Representation of Antimatroids by Horn Rules and its Application to Educational Systems |
Péter Pál Pach Solving Equations under Simon’s Congruence |
11:35-12:00 | Rintaro Ikeshita, Shin-ichi Tanigawa Count Matroids of Group-Labeled Graphs |
Kristóf Marussy, Ladislav Peska, Krisztián Buza Recommendations of Unique Items Based on Bipartite Graphs |
12:00-14:00 | Lunch Break | |
14:00-14:25 | Gyula Y. Katona, László Papp Upper Bound on the Optimal Pebbling Number in Graphs with Given Minimum Degree |
Daniel Soltész On the 1-switch Conjecture in the Hypercube |
14:25-14:50 | Ervin Gyõri, Gyula Y. Katona, László Papp Optimal Pebbling of Grids |
Kenichi Tamatani, Yukiko Yamauchi, Shuji Kijima, Masafumi Yamashita On the Reconstruction of Laman Graphs |
14:50-15:15 | Katarína Cechlárová, Tamás Fleiner, Zsuzsanna Jankó House-Swapping with Divorcing and Engaged Pairs |
Dávid Herskovics Berge's Path Partition Conjecture: An Algorithm for Almost All known Cases |
15:15-15:45 | Coffee Break | |
15:45-16:10 | Yusuke Kobayashi, Sho Toyooka Finding a Shortest Non-Zero Path in Group-Labeled Graphs |
Katsuhisa Yamanaka, Shin-ichi Nakano Uniformly Random Generation of Floorplans |
16:10-16:35 | Kristóf Bérczi, Tamás Kiraly, Yusuke Kobayashi Algorithmic Aspects of Covering Supermodular Functions under Matroid Constraints |
Ei Ando, Shuji Kijima An FPTAS for the Volume Computation of Multiply Constrained 0-1 Knapsack Polytopes Based on Approximate Convolution |
16:35-17:00 | Gyula Pap Linear matroid matching in the oracle model |
Room C | |
9:00-12:00 | Further Discussion |